Accept cross-border payments seamlessly with Klasha

    We strive to remain developer-friendly with our quick and easy integrations. Get set up and start accepting payments from emerging markets in minutes.


    Integrate Klasha into your e-commerce platforms with our ready-made plugins.

    View plugins

    Web SDKs

    Accept payments from your web applications with Klasha using our web SDKs.

    View SDKs

    Mobile SDKs

    Accept payments from your mobile applications with Klasha using our mobile SDKs.

    View SDKs

    Klasha inline

    Write a few lines of JavaScript codes and you are ready to go.

    View Klasha inline

    HTML checkout

    Basic HTML codes to collect payments from your customers using Klasha inline.

    View HTML

    Payment Links

    Looking for a no-code option? Payment Links is the right option.

    View Payment Links


    Get transactions response using webhooks.

    View webhooks


    Create subscription plans for your customers.

    View subscriptions